eBay Top Star Colors: How to Get Them & What Does It Means 

Emma Swift

eBay Star Colours

Many leading eCommerce platforms, like eBay, implemented a system that allows buyers to rate the sellers’ performance on the platform. Apart from the scoring system of feedback, buyers can also use several eBay top star colours to the performance of sellers:

The Importance of eBay Top Star Colors

First, we should comprehend the importance of eBay top star colors. The eBay star colour is a review system that reflects the professionalism of sellers and customer service. The eBay star describes the customer and sales level of satisfaction under the seller.

The eBay top star rating system ranges from 1 to 5 stars, where the highest is a five-star rating. The stars are utilised to denote the general happiness of the customer. Many stars represent a positive experience, whereas fewer eBay stars indicate a less favourable one.

Understanding the 12 eBay top star colour types 

After learning what the stars mean on eBay, let’s explore the 12 different eBay top star colours.

As stated earlier, the eBay top star colours are based on the number of customer feedback that you receive. EBay star colours indicate the feedback performance of your store at different levels. At this point, eBay provides 12 eBay-rating star colours:

  • Yellow star: The yellow star, symbolises the weakest feedback performance of twelve colors of eBay top star. If your score on this leading eCommerce platform falls between 10 to 49 points, you will earn a yellow star for your feedback.
  • Blue star: Finally, we will discuss “What does a blue star mean on eBay?” A blue star represents 50 to 99 feedback ratings.
  • Turquoise star: Second on the list of eBay top star colours is turquoise. You will be awarded this star if you score between 100 and 499 points. This scoring shows that you are a well-known eBay seller with some loyal customers.
  • Purple star: If your eBay store has feedback score of between 500 and 999, the purple star will be yours.
  • Red star: What does a red star on eBay mean? In other words, a red star on eBay means that the seller has 1,000 to 4,999 feedback points.
  • Green shooting star: In order to earn a green shooting star on eBay, one of the leading product-selling websites, sellers need 500,00 to 999,99 feedback points. This large number requires a lot of sales.
  • Silver shooting star: This is the peak of eBay seller star colours chart. It needs sellers to earn a feedback score of one million and above. Of course, only the best sellers can reach this number.

Getting eBay top star Colors

In order to get eBay star colors, sellers need to meet some requirements like having high buyers’ positive feedback, detailed item descriptions and fast shipping of the items. Here are seven crucial tips to meet these points:

Offer quality products

Providing quality products is a crucial factor in obtaining eBay top star colours. Even if you perform well in other areas, it becomes difficult for customers to achieve satisfaction when the quality of your product could be better. Who would want to spend money on something not up to the mark?

Craft good product descriptions.

To get star colors on eBay, ensuring your listing details and descriptions correspond with the product you are selling is important. Transparent product descriptions help maintain buyer expectations and reduce the likelihood of complaints related to misinformation.

When formulating a listing, it is important to describe an item’s characteristics and condition in detail. One should be honest about any signs of wear and tear and provide clear, well-lit pictures taken from different angles. 

Actively get feedback from buyers

The higher your feedback stars score, the more positive feedback you get. So, following a positive and pleasant purchase, you can politely thank them for their order and kindly ask for their feedback. This approach can help you earn eBay seller star colors.

Respond to negative feedback in an honest and open manner

Negative feedback during online sales is almost unavoidable for most stores. However, your answer to it may greatly affect your eBay top star colours. You must respond to negative criticism in a professional manner. Respond to the buyer’s feedback politely and helpfully.

Instead of trying to argue with them or defend yourself, try and address their concerns. You need to provide suggestions for correcting problems and make it evident that you are committed towards better customer support. Buyers can often be willing to change their reviews if they see a seller trying to address problems.


What are eBay top star colors? 

Star Colors on eBay is a rating system based on customer feedback; it shows a seller’s level of professionalism & customer service.

What is the structure of eBay’s star rating system? 

The eBay top star rating system is a 1 to 5 stars scale, with the highest rating being 5 stars. The stars represent the buyer’s general satisfaction.

How does a seller earn points for the eBay top star rating? 

If the buyer gives a positive review, as the seller is awarded one point. If the buyer gives a negative review, one point is lost by the seller. Neutral feedback does not affect this score.

How does a high eBay top star rating suggest? 

A high eBay star rating means that the seller has consistently offered a positive experience to their customers. This can result in additional benefits for the eBay store, especially increased sales and return customers.

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